Heart Basti Bliss Therapy

Have you recently experienced a loss in your life?

I feel you. This pain is like no other and it feels as if there's an emptiness in the heart of your Being that you cannot explain.

A void that needs filling...

Does your heart hurt from loving someone so much and losing them? 

I feel you.

Are you living in fear, anxiety and worry and desiring to release these negative emotions and experience bliss by returning home to your heart and your own love?

If your body said "Heaven yes" to any of the above then it is time to re-set your heart an alchemizing your pain into power with a Blissful Ayurvedic therapy known as a Hridaya or Heart Basti treatment. A powerful and effective treatment that assists in the healthy functioning of your heart.

How it works:

An herbal concoction made of soothing aromatic heart-opening herbs are infused into ghee and raw milk which are then placed on the chest near the heart and held there by a wall made of dough. The treatment lasts between 45mins and up to one hour depending on your needs.

What you experience:

  • Deep relaxation as you drift off into a meditative state 
  • A release of deep-seated emotional burdens or suppressed stresses such as: fear, anxiety, anger, grief, longing, energetic ties to love's gone, etc.
  • Improved breathing and respiratory health
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Strengthening of the cardiac function and muscles 
  • A sense of tranquility, happiness and trust
  • Opening of the heart
  • Pacifying Vata and rejuvenates the heart 
To see if this therapy is right for you: book a call today! 
Purchase here
Please note: this is an in-person session
Your furry bestie is welcome to join --they will also be in the heart vortex holding space and receiving Reiki to reduce their anxiety, stress and to bond deeply to you. They typically drift off or sometimes they choose to be in the action and are welcome to be in a sling with me. 
